Beauty Avatar gives away 2 free female outfits

Beauty avatar is selling two very lovely outfits for L$0! Lisbona and Vienna. At first, I clicked on the poster and purchased, only to realize moments later it was L$0. I looked up the owner to tell them of it (please support our content creators!) and spoke to Tiago Morales who informed me that “we selling that dress to 0 linden because they are old”.

What? Our clothes wear out here? So not only was I exculpated from having bought something for free, but I discovered yet another vendor who is beyond scarcity mentality. A good creator should never fear losing money by giving away a decent product. In RL that’s known as “value added” and in my own experience does nothng but create customer good will and good word of mouth. Guess this post is proof.

Lot’s of very nice stuff here, and if you cross the street you’ll find men’s fashions and some very lovely skins as well. I’m considering the purchase of Rozen Genesis. Maybe a review on it later, if I do.

The short of it? Great stuff and positive impressions about Beauty Avatar, as much for good quality as for good attitude.

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